Walking in Truth
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast cancer is a disease that affects all nationalities of women. However, the number of breast cancer deaths per 100,000 women for BIPOC Community is 28.1 percent higher mortality rate overall.
Fighting Together to Save Lives "Celebrate the Lives of Survivors" by to spreading awareness in the community that diagnoses don't mean death and early detection saves lives!
We also pay tribute and honor to the women and men who have battled, fought and survived this horrific disease.
Breast cancer is a disease that affects all nationalities of women. However, the number of breast cancer deaths per 100,000 women for BIPOC Community is 28.1 percent higher mortality rate overall.
Fighting Together to Save Lives "Celebrate the Lives of Survivors" by to spreading awareness in the community that diagnoses don't mean death and early detection saves lives!
We also pay tribute and honor to the women and men who have battled, fought and survived this horrific disease.
We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization
Fighting together to Save lives, began participating with other breast cancer organizations in the community to promote awareness. Our main goal is to make a difference in the community, by encouraging women and men to get annual mammograms and encourage communities, to take part in their lives because early detection saves lives.